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As part of the ICTNT Annual General Meeting, a new committee was formed for 2022/23. Welcome to our two new members Kevin Aylward and Matthew Brown and we welcome back Jessica Dix, Lou Martini, Steven Roberts, Damien Charles, David Bradley, Jesse Leal, Brad Hatton and Karina Bourne. Thank you to our leaving committee members for all your efforts, Steve Lindsay and Camille Fong Lim. We have so much to do in 2023!

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  • 07, Dec, 2021
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Congratulations to Raymond Pratt and his team at DICE AUST Pty Ltd, the ICTNT are proud to support the Digital Excellence Awards and companies like DICE Aust.
DICE (Aust) Pty Ltd (DICE) is a Darwin based 100% Indigenous owned and operated company, which was established in 2007.
In collaboration with the NT Digital Innovation Grants, DICE developed - Digital Access to Remote Renewable Energy Systems (DARRES).

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Today the ICTNT held its AGM and elected the new committee members for 2019/2020. Jessica Dix has been elected as the new chair for the association and is the first woman to hold this position in the 9 years of the associations operations. Jess has been a member of the association for 7 years and has held the position of membership officer on the committee for the past 2. 

Jess is the CEO of Majestix Media, a local Audio Visual Integration company that has been active in the NT for almost 10 years. She is also a committee member of BPW and a founding member of WasteFreeNT, which...

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  • 06, Nov, 2019
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The NT Digital Excellence Awards are being held on the 15th November 2019.

Hosted by the Honorable Lauren Moss, Minister for Corporate and Information Services, formally celebrates individuals and organisations for outstanding digital achievement and innovation in the NT, and is the premier ICT event of the year.

To find out more please visit

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  • 19, Mar, 2019
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This year the Tech Expo gets a refresh! 

The ICTNT are hosting the Innovation Symposium, which is aimed at Territory Business who are not necessicerily in the Technoloy Industry themselves, but want to explore technology led innovation. 

The message is very much so that innovation does not have to mean that you have to create the next big thing. Innovation can be incremental change within business to create improvement and...

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The NT Department of Corporate & Information Services (DCIS) has provided the following update with respect to the hardware sourcing Tenders:

Feedback for three tenders is now being sought via Tenders Online - 

DCIS are in the process of finalising the Printer RFT and this is expected to be released to market in the next couple weeks. 

A draft scope of services for servers, CISCO network equipment and UPSs is now on QTOL. DCIS encourage all to review and provide feedback on those...

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  • 12, Dec, 2016
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ICTIA will be holding a member event on Tuesday 13th December. Deputy Chief Executive DCIS  - Chris Hosking and CCSRP Programme Manager – Sean Fellows will be presenting an overview of the CCSRP Programme inclusive of the various work streams and forward look at resourcing requirements. The CCSRP project is the largest ICT project being undertaken within the NTG (100M+) and represents significant opportunities for local business to get involved. Members are strongly encouraged to attend.

When: Tuesday 13th December
Where: Captovate Office - Level 1, 22 Cavenagh Street, Darwin...

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The Northern Territory Chapters of the ACS, ICTNT, ITSMF and AISA invite you to attend the IT Industry Christmas Connect.  Entry fee is by donation of $10 for members or $5 for students and will benefit Variety the Children's Charity.  Thursday 7th December from 4:00pm onwards at Rorkes, 22 Mitchell Street, Darwin

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  • 20, Oct, 2016
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The Annual General Meeting for the ICT Industry Association of the NT was held on the afternoon of Wednesday 19 October 2016 and the following members were voted into the committee positions unopposed:

Position  Person
Chairman Scott Wright - VTG
Vice Chair Michael Feldbauer -...
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