The ICTNT is hosting a lawn bowls networking and social event on the 19th of September at the Darwin Bowls and social club.
Please reserve a ticket via eventbrite.
Food and drink will be provided.
Bringing Industry and Government together to share information. Click "Read More" for more details and click image to RSVP.
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Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade invites the members of the ICTNT for a briefing and feedback session regarding the progress made under the Value for Territory Assessment Framework and Aboriginal Procurement Policy.
Please advise if you are able to attend by signing up for this event by COB Wednesday the 21st of July.
Registration: Required via Eventbrite
Location: Northern Australia Development Office, 76 Esplanade, Darwin City NT 0800
Video Conferencing facilities will be available, please advise your attendance to be...
Read moreThe Innovation Symposium is a must for Territory businesses and organisations who want to explore how technology led innovation can help their business develop in challenging economic conditions. The Innovation Symposium offers a unique chance for Territory business leaders to learn how investments in innovation can help business in some of the following ways:
- improve productivity, doing more with less;
- gain competitive advantages through improved...
Dear Members,
D19-0034 - Provision of Electronic Monitoring Services to the Northern Territory Government for a Period of 60 months
This tender is expected to be released to the market in late April 2019
The Department of the Attorney-General and Justice (AGD) is holding an Industry Engagement session on the upcoming tender, the details of which are:-
The event will consist of a presentation by the Commissioner, Correctional Services on the...
Read moreThe ICT Industry Association of the NT's is pleased to offer the following Industry Briefings
Darwin City Council - Smart Technology Project
Gerard Rosse, General...
This keynote address will be presented by John Sheridan, First Assistant Secretary Technology & Procurement and Australian Government Procurement Coordinator. John Sheridan will share his experience establishing the Federal Government Open Data Portal, including:
Save the date – Member Industry Briefing - City of Palmerston
ICT IA will be holding an industry briefing event on Wednesday 8th March 2017, 4:00pm, at the City of Palmerston Council Chambers. Ben Dornier, Director of Corporate and Community Services, will be presenting an overview of the key technology initiatives and programmes being undertaken by the City of Palmerston in 2017. The Council's business is diverse in nature, as such there are broad ranging technology initiatives that will encompass an array of ICT capabilities to support. You are strongly encouraged...
Read moreBuilt By Captovate
GPO BOX 3643, Darwin NT 0801 | E: