CCSRP Industry Briefing

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ICTIA will be holding a member event on Tuesday 13th December. Deputy Chief Executive DCIS  - Chris Hosking and CCSRP Programme Manager – Sean Fellows will be presenting an overview of the CCSRP Programme inclusive of the various work streams and forward look at resourcing requirements. The CCSRP project is the largest ICT project being undertaken within the NTG (100M+) and represents significant opportunities for local business to get involved. Members are strongly encouraged to attend.

When: Tuesday 13th December
Where: Captovate Office - Level 1, 22 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800
Time: 5PM (5:15 Start) – Finish 6:15

Drinks and nibbles provided, please RSVP to Yvette Rolfe ( for catering purposes.


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